What is… Cookie Run: Hanja Run?


Cookie Run: Hanja Run is a 13 volume series that ran from December 2014 to December 2017. It was written by Jo Juhui and illustrated by Lee Taeyong. It aimed to teach Hanja (Chinese characters used in the Korean language). It has a continuous plot featuring an alternate universe where running, playing, and Hanja are banned for safety reasons, and the country’s temperature is rising due to a volcano. Notable for being a series that has a focus on how pets were acquired. Cookies young and old travel across the land to confront the Red Dragon and the Chimney Witch.

More info and where to read below the cut:

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What is… Cookie Run: Science Basics?


Cookie Run: Science Basics is a series consisting of compilations of short comics, all relating to a certain science theme that appeals to kids. The titles of the volumes reflect what each theme is, going by the naming theme of “X Science Basics” … though half the time, they’re just silly names. The earlier comics are mostly focused on short humorous situations between characters, and later ones delve into longer plots. The characters are still written with humor taking precedence over seriousness though, often with the most serious characters like Wind Archer being made into the most excitable. Due to teaching human biology, this series is known to have “cursed” images relating to that, but later volumes particularly have moved into different, more plot-fueled subjects.

More info and where to read below the cut:

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What are… The Cookie Run Comics?

You may have heard them by a few names. “The Cookie Run Comic.” “Hanja Run.” “The Survival Comic.” But what is it? Actually, there are almost a dozen different Cookie Run book series! This post will give the basic run down, and future posts will give specifics.

Your pressing question is probably “Where can I read the comics?” so I will give out those links first:

Now, onto what the comics actually are:

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